Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Rally - Ho, Ho, Ho!

A Very Merry Christmas to You All!

Monthly Pivots Help Maintain Perspectives

Then Focus in on the Weekly

Our Condor Trade continues to show promise.  The trade in now up $547.00 with expiration JA 16th.
As long as the SPY remains between 107 and 117,  a profit of $1000.00 can be expected.  The Monthly Pivots displayed above would suggest a high probability of success on this trade.  Nothing is guaranteed in the market.  All trades are "Probability Trades" with the number one goal of protecting capital.

This trade is posted as a record of progress in an on going trade and does not represent a recommendation and is not to be construed as any kind of solicitation for business or seen as professional advice.

2 Day, 10 min. SPY - 12.24.09 - Bullish trend continues.  Bollinger bands have moved into a tighter pattern and the SPY appears poised for additional moves upward next week.  Close attention will be required on the Condor Trade should that occur.